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About us and what we do

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Here at the IW Met Service we work to produce accurate and highly detailed weather forecasts for the locality of the

Isle of Wight.


​Using the latest weather software, live data, high resolution computer models and our second-to-none, in-depth knowledge of the Island’s weather system we are able to bring you detailed information on local weather events which may otherwise be missed or overlooked by other online forecasts.


​We manually update our forecasts up to three times a day, depending on how active the conditions are. In addition to this, our automated forecast is updated 4 times a day.


Our main focus is on extreme and severe weather and this is when we will bring you frequent and regular updates on the developing conditions as well as video forecasts and, occasionally, live outdoor streams.


Our forecasts are produced publicly not only via this website but through our Facebook page too. IW Met Service is also the official weather forecast provider of the award-winning Island Echo


In addition to our free-to-access forecasts, we offer premium services which have proven successful over the past few years. ​Learn more about our premium services click here.


For further information about advertising/sponsorship email


Jamie Russell, IW Met Service’s Chief Forecaster, appeared on the Channel 4 documentary ‘Britain’s Wildest Weather’ back in 2014.

You can see the full video here

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