Mostly cloudy with a few thundery showers today, cloudy again tomorrow.

36 hour rainfall map

The cloud will hang around for much of the day although we may see a few brighter spells at times, especially during the afternoon. We may also see further showers developing at times, especially later in the day and these may be heavy and potentially thundery too.
Temperature 20'c to 23'c
Wind NE 12-16mph becoming E 8-12mph
Rainfall 0.5-3mm (localised rainfall possible) Tonight
Further heavy outbreaks of showery rain likely which may be thundery too although they should graudally push away by the end of the night.
Temperature 14'c to 16'c
Wind ESE 4-7mph becoming ENE 13-18mph
Rainfall 1-8mm (localised rainfall possible)

Another fairly cloudy day with only limited brighter spells but it should become mostly dry once any early morning showers have cleared through. We may also see some coastal mist developing in the south and east of the island too.
Temperature 18'c to 20'c generally although 21'c is possible in the west and around 16'c on windward coasts
Wind E 10-14mph becoming 7-10mph
Rainfall 0-0.5mm