Morning update - Wind and rain clearing to calmer cloudy conditions today, early rain then sunny tomorrow

Rain and gales are now easing and will clear away by mid morning, leaving the rest of day mostly dry but sadly unlikely to brighten up as we will see a lot of cloud hanging around until the end of the day. Temperature 10-11°C Wind south-southwest 35-64mph soon becoming west-southwest 16-26mph
Rainfall 0-1mm (14mm fallen since the system started to affect us last night)
Continuing mostly cloudy with a band of rain moving through during the early hours. Temperature 6-8°C Wind south 3-6mph becoming variable 0-3mph before turning north 2-6mph later and increasing to 15-28mph by dawn
Rainfall 3-5mm
Cloud and patchy rain at first but this will soon clear to give a fine, bright spell of weather with good sunny spells. Temperature 6-8°C Wind north 14-26mph becoming west 5-11mph then southwest by the end of the day
Rainfall 1-3mm